Dear Fellow NAHB Members:
It was my pleasure to represent you as your State Representative for Arkansas at the NAHB Legislative and Spring Leadership Conference held in Washington, DC on June 11 through June 14. NAHB has been working for you and has prepared a priorities for housing brochure that we used to bring attention to our congressman and senators of the issues with affordability of housing.
A group of Arkansans mostly from Central Arkansas visited with Congressman Steve Womack, Congressman Rick Crawford, Congressman Bruce Westerman, and Congressman French Hill along with their staff members and presented our issues to them. They were all good listeners and I believe we were heard very well. We will need to continue to elect representatives that hear our concerns and vote for issues that are pro housing.
Additionally, I attended the Board of Directors meeting on your behalf to guide the association in a direction that is both proactive and driven to provide our members with the services they need to advance the industry. I serve as the Vice Chairman of the Membership Committee as well and I hope each and every local with take part in the membership drive this Fall to help build our association strong so that we can continue to build the American Dream of home ownership.
I would like to give a shout out to the Fort Smith HBA for winning an award for Membership Recruitment. It’s been a long time since I heard an Arkansas local win an award at a National meeting. Way to go guys and gals and be sure to tell us your secrets!!t
Those in attendance at this meeting were as follows:
Jim Carr, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Greater Little Rock HBA
Nathan Cooper and son Blake, River Valley Builders Greater Little Rock HBA
John Turner, Turner and Sons, Builders Greater Little Rock HBA
Josh Carson, Rausch Coleman Northwest Arkansas HBA
Kristen Peck, Rausch Coleman Northwest Arkansas HBA
I want to thank those individuals who took time from their work schedules to attend this conference and represent all Arkansas builders and associates at this conference. Working together we can make a difference.
Keith A. Wingfield, LEED AP, CGB, CGP
River Rock Builders, LLC