Associates and Affiliate Members, As we enter into the beginning of our third month of 2016, time is passing by ever so quickly. Last month I discussed the importance of growth, being active and participating on all levels within our local, state and national HBA’s. Spring is just around the corner and building activities on the rise, the expectation of becoming busier and organizing our time by strategically planning and scheduling becomes extremely important. There are only so many hours in the day and how wisely we choose to spend our time as ambassadors for the very industry that supports our economy, ourselves, as well as our families is critical. We must be engaged and focused on the direction we are headed and truly understand our collective goals as associate members. I would like to bring to everyone's attention this month the NAHB’s Bringing Housing Home Legislative Conference. The 2016 Bringing Housing Home Legislative Conference is taking plac...
The Arkansas Home Builders Association is a partnership of professional builders and related industries benefiting our members, the buying public and communities through education, legislative initiative and regulatory compliance to build quality, energy efficient and affordable housing for the families of Arkansas.