Bill Ross, Associate Council Chairman We have already completed our first month of 2016 and it has certainly gone by very quickly! As we enter into February, there are many new and exciting things heading our way in 2016 from all aspects of our AHBA's associates council. We look forward to sharing with everyone each month all of these wonderful opportunities on our AHBA website. There are many new opportunities to grow on the local, state and national levels and we must take advantage of these opportunities now. What is most important though, is as associates, we need to be active and participate on all levels especially in our local and state HBA's. Times are changing rapidly, from our economy, to the way we do business, and the health of the building industry amongst a number of other factors. There is no better time for us to act than now. I would like to thank our outgoing associates Chairperson, Dianna Nix for her two years of dedicatio...
The Arkansas Home Builders Association is a partnership of professional builders and related industries benefiting our members, the buying public and communities through education, legislative initiative and regulatory compliance to build quality, energy efficient and affordable housing for the families of Arkansas.