Bill Ross, Associate Council Chairman |
I would like to thank our outgoing associates Chairperson, Dianna Nix for her two years of dedication and service as the 2014-15 Chairperson. Dianna has dedicated much of her time and energy as we are in the rebuilding and restructuring phase of the AHBA Associates Council into something bigger and better than it has ever been before. I would like to thank the 4 executive officers, new state associate council members and officers that attended our quarterly meeting in Little Rock this past January. The executive officers that attended are State Associates meeting were from the Ft. Smith, Greater Little Rock, NW AR and Saline HBA's. Our hope is that more executive officers will attend our quarterly associates council meetings in Little Rock and monthly conference calls so that we may better communicate and grow as both local HBA's and as a state HBA. I would also like to thank our new AHBA associate council members for 2016 and all of those that attended our first meeting of the year; I know that your time is valuable and it is greatly appreciated. Finally, I would like to welcome Devon Mason as our 2016 AHBA associates council Vice Chair and look forward to working with everyone in 2016.