Associates and Affiliate Members, As we enter into the beginning of May 2016, we are almost half-way through the year and there is much more we can accomplish. I would like to focus this month on some resources that are available to you as Associate members. The NAHB Associate Outreach Network on Facebook is a great tool to use as well as the blog and e-newsletter called Associate Maximization, which was created to help members of the NAHB with professional growth, gain a better understanding of their HBA investment and maximize their return. This blog is for established members, new members, and for non-members to demonstrate their reasons why investment in membership could help with professional growth. I would like to give a very big thank you to Michael Kurpiel, CGA, CGP for his permission to share the attached work with all of you and for his continued hard work and contributions to both of these venues. I am sharing with you Part I of Michael's March 10, 2...
The Arkansas Home Builders Association is a partnership of professional builders and related industries benefiting our members, the buying public and communities through education, legislative initiative and regulatory compliance to build quality, energy efficient and affordable housing for the families of Arkansas.