• Please join me in welcoming Lea Ann Bullington as the new Executive Officer for Cleburne County HBA. She will be at the helm in that region and also works for FL Davis Lumber in Heber Springs. She has been associated in prior years with AHBA and now is accepting another round of service in our industry. Please give her a warm welcome.
• Save the new date October 30th for AHBA Board meeting and new location this time will be Pulaski Tech Business and Industry Center at 3303 East Roosevelt near Airport. Time and agenda coming later.
• EVP Chatter, Holy Cow!!!!! after attending the Association Leadership Institute in Pittsburgh I would like to inform our members I am just now settling in realizing the magnitude of housing and the responsibility we have to maintain and grow our membership. Members thank you for allowing your local EO's that attended. The opportunity allowed for us to attend as many sessions as we could such as: Managing the Membership Experience, Social Media Deep Dive, Creating Association Karma, Branding the Association, Why your Lieutenant Governor is Important, Why My Mayor Matters, Top Ten for Membership Growth, Social Media Mistakes, Bridging the Generation Gaps, and Data Management.
Needless to say it was a lot to take in.
Lots of work to do and it might take me a little longer than anticipated but tomorrow I travel to Sherwood AR and will be presenting my luncheon message to what will probably be my largest attendance to date at 80. So wish me luck.
Tracy Catt, I have not forgot about your area of the state it's just taking me a little longer to get there.
Stephen Goad, thank you for some exciting ideas you are generating in Jonesboro.
Bruce and Martha please hang in there for Pine Bluff and I hope your golf tournament is a success.
Brenda and Sarah you are awesome website is looking awesome and I am sure our current President Jack Hales is very pleased.
Stephanie thank your efforts/hard work in Fort Smith.
Lauren and I here in Little Rock now know more about Advantech and ZIP System than ever before after attending yesterdays seminar. Thank you for the table top display.
Local EO's somehow somewhere we are just going to have to find a time for us to get together and share what we have all learned.
Sincerely, and Please work safe and drink plenty of fluids. I am hearing of many cases of Heat Stress across our state.
Ron Harris
Executive Vice President
• Save the new date October 30th for AHBA Board meeting and new location this time will be Pulaski Tech Business and Industry Center at 3303 East Roosevelt near Airport. Time and agenda coming later.
• EVP Chatter, Holy Cow!!!!! after attending the Association Leadership Institute in Pittsburgh I would like to inform our members I am just now settling in realizing the magnitude of housing and the responsibility we have to maintain and grow our membership. Members thank you for allowing your local EO's that attended. The opportunity allowed for us to attend as many sessions as we could such as: Managing the Membership Experience, Social Media Deep Dive, Creating Association Karma, Branding the Association, Why your Lieutenant Governor is Important, Why My Mayor Matters, Top Ten for Membership Growth, Social Media Mistakes, Bridging the Generation Gaps, and Data Management.
Needless to say it was a lot to take in.
Lots of work to do and it might take me a little longer than anticipated but tomorrow I travel to Sherwood AR and will be presenting my luncheon message to what will probably be my largest attendance to date at 80. So wish me luck.
Tracy Catt, I have not forgot about your area of the state it's just taking me a little longer to get there.
Stephen Goad, thank you for some exciting ideas you are generating in Jonesboro.
Bruce and Martha please hang in there for Pine Bluff and I hope your golf tournament is a success.
Brenda and Sarah you are awesome website is looking awesome and I am sure our current President Jack Hales is very pleased.
Stephanie thank your efforts/hard work in Fort Smith.
Lauren and I here in Little Rock now know more about Advantech and ZIP System than ever before after attending yesterdays seminar. Thank you for the table top display.
Local EO's somehow somewhere we are just going to have to find a time for us to get together and share what we have all learned.
Sincerely, and Please work safe and drink plenty of fluids. I am hearing of many cases of Heat Stress across our state.
Ron Harris
Executive Vice President