January 16, 2015 – proposal appeared in Federal Register opening 60 day public comment period
March 17, 2015 – final day public comments accepted
April 2, 2015 – final decision due by USFWS
Final Decision options
List species as endangered
List species as threatened
List species as threatened with 4(d) rule
Withdrawal the proposal
Conservation Measures if Rule put into effect:
Local Ecological Services Field Office (USFWS – Conway) to determine specific locations of “known hibernacula” and “known maternity roosts”
Locations will be informed by records in each State's Natural Heritage database, Service records, other databases, or other survey efforts
Hibernacula Buffer Zone – 0.25 Mile Radius (128 acres)
Buffer will provide basic protection for the hibernacula and hibernating bats in winter from direct impacts, such as filling, excavation, blasting, noise, and smoke exposure.
Buffer will also protect some roosting and foraging habitat around the hibernacula
Maternity Buffer Zone – 0.25 Mile Radius
Buffer for all clearcutting activities will be sufficient to protect the habitat surrounding known maternity roosts during the pup season (June 1 – July 31)
Buffer will prevent the cutting of known occupied maternity roost trees during the pup season from clearcutting activities and protect some habitat for known maternity colonies
Forest Management:
Incidental take that is caused by forest management, when carried out in accordance with the conservation measures, will not be prohibited
includes the suite of activities used to maintain and manage forest ecosystems, including, but not limited to, timber harvest and other silvicultural treatments, prescribed burning, invasive species control, wildlife openings, and temporary roads
Implementation of the conservation measures provided for in the proposed rule will limit overall take by protecting currently known populations during their more vulnerable life stages
White Nose Syndrome (WNS) Buffer Zone
Portion of the range of the northern long-eared bat within 150 miles of the boundaries of U.S. counties where the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans or WNS has been detected.
Arkansas Counties include:
Discussion with USFWS
Erin Knoll 501-531-4470 – Endangered Species in Arkansas Ecological Services Field Office located in Conway
Does not believe this will affect private land owners with timber management
Most “known hibernacula” and “known maternity roosts” are on public land (national forest, WMAs, etc.)
Few “known” areas documented on private land by USFWS
Believes larger timber companies seeking sustainable forestry products following ESA will have to survey for maternity roosts or hibernacula
If Rule passes, USFWS will post Fact Sheet online